
Youth Hockey Coach You'd Like To Thank: One youth hockey coach I would like to thank Is my bantam coach Kurt Halstrom. He helped shaped me into the player/man I am today. Not only did he help me tremendously with my on-ice abilities but he also helped teach me good character.

Best Memory From Your Own Playing Career: My favorite memory from my playing career is the Brick Invitational. It was played in a mall with fans piling in to watch our games on three different levels. It was a cool experience to play teams from different countries and get to know them around the mall as well.

One Person You'd Like To Meet: One person I would like to meet is David Goggins to try and understand his work ethic and what goes through his mind.

Celebrity You'd Want To Have Dinner With: A celebrity I would want to have dinner with would be Kevin Hart because I like his comedy.

Dream Job (Non Hockey): I would like to be a teacher, high school hockey coach. I think being a teacher would be a blast creating all the bonds with students and helping them shape themselves into the people they want to be.

Favorite Food: Pizza and steak

Favorite Movie/TV Show: A movie I like is top gun, both of them.

Favorite Go-To Pump-Up Music: I like to listen to country in all scenarios pre game, post game, in the car, before bed.

Favorite Account To Follow On Social Media: Minnesota Wild I like to keep up on their games and how they are doing.

Favorite Off-Ice Activity: My favorite off ice activity is either to go golfing or play pickle ball.

Favorite Vacation Spot: My favorite vacation spot is Captiva Island, Florida

Person Whose Helped You The Most In Your Hockey Career: The person that has helped me the most throughout my hockey career is probably my dad. Always driving me to the rink helping me get dressed when I was younger. Building a rink in our backyard and pushing me to be my best. I could not be where I am today without him.

NHL Player You Would Want On Your Line: An American defenseman I would want to be my D partner is Charlie McAvoy. I would like to play with him because he is a solid defender that I think would compliment my game well, he has a very high IQ and can make play all over the ice. He is offensive but he also does not jump up in the play every time so that would leave room for me to be offensive and jump up in the play and know that my D partner would have my back and be defensively sound if anything were to happen such as a turnover.

NHL Player's Style You Try To Replicate: One NHL player I try to watch and replicate their game is Adam Fox. I like to try and replicate his game because he is also a righty defenseman. He is one of the most skilled defenseman in the league whether is be in the O zone or off the rush. He also has very clean breakouts and simple exits, and those are two qualities I think you need to be a great defenseman at any level.

Pregame Routine: I am not too superstitious but I like to take a nap before most game. I tape both of my sticks, and I put the left side of my gear on before my right.

Favorite Workout: I like to workout my legs. I feel as if it benefits you the most in hockey upper body and abs are for sure apart of it but you need a steady base to be able to not get knocked off the puck. It also helps with speed and speed kills.

Road Trip Essentials: My road trip essentials are Airpods, my phone, water, a snack probably some sort of chips, and a massage gun for my legs after sitting for so long.