
  • Father, Glen, played hockey at the University of Alaska Anchorage (1992-96)


Youth Hockey Coach You'd Like To Thank: I'd like to thank David Hymovitz of the Boston Jr. Eagles for teaching me about playing as a team

Best Memory From Your Own Playing Career: Winning Massachusetts State Championship with the Boston Jr. Eagles in 2023

One Person You'd Like To Meet: Connor McDavid

Celebrity You'd Want To Have Dinner With: Kevin Hart

Dream Job (Non Hockey): Photographer

Favorite Food: Pasta

Favorite Movie/TV Show: Talladega Nights 

Favorite Go-To Pump-Up Music: Drake

Favorite Account To Follow On Social Media: Gov's Boys Hockey

Favorite Off-Ice Activity: Time with friends

Favorite Vacation Spot: Hawaii

Person Whose Helped You The Most In Your Hockey Career: My dad, Glen Thornborough

NHL Player You Would Want On Your Line: Patrick Kane

NHL Player's Style You Try To Replicate: Miles Wood

Pregame Routine: Eat a good meal including pasta 3.5 hrs before game, listen to music, good warm-up

Favorite Workout: Bulgarian split squats

Road Trip Essentials: AirPods, phone, food, water