
Hockey Questions

Best Memory From Your Playing Career: Playing this past year with Shattuck St. Mary’s the whole year was just a blast

One Youth Hockey Coach You'd Like To Thank: I would like to thank Dave Hoogsteen, my Minnesota Blades Coach, who believed in me when I was young

Person Whose Helped You The Most In Your Hockey Career: My Dad

NHL Player You Would Want On Your Line: Patrick Kane

NHL Player's Style You Try To Replicate: Trevor Zegras

Pregame Routine: Stickhandle, roll out, listen to some music and tape my stick

Favorite Workout: 300s

Road Trip Essentials: Phone



One Person You'd Like To Meet: Dwayne The Rock Johnson

Celebrity You'd Want To Have Dinner With: Kim Kardashian

Dream Job (Non Hockey): Being on the PGA

Other Sports Played As A Kid: Lacrosse

Favorite Food: Steak

Favorite Movie/TV Show: Outer Banks

Favorite Go-To Pump-Up Music: Run This Town by Jay-Z

Favorite Account To Follow On Social Media: Aidan Park

Favorite Off-Ice Activity: Golfing

Favorite Vacation Spot: Hawaii